April 19, 2016
On Saturday April 16th, CLH attended the grand opening of the Wake County Northeast Regional Library. CLH provided civil engineering and landscape architecture design services for this new regional library in North Raleigh. Services included concept plan, site layout, clearing and grading, utilities, stormwater best management practices (bio-retention areas), planting design and construction observation. It was a beautiful day for the grand opening and the event was attended by many.
April 5, 2016
CLH’s Zak Pierce was recently interviewed by the News & Observer for the Knightdale Station Master Plan project. In 2010, CLH was hired to develop a master plan for a new 71-acre downtown park for the Town of Knightdale. In an effort to re-establish Knightdale’s downtown as a vibrant hub, CLH worked with the Town […]
April 4, 2016
Alice Reese is attending the US Play Coalition Rebooting Play conference in Clemson, South Carolina. In addition to attending the conference, Alice made the following presentation “Rethinking Play on Elementary Schools Grounds”. This is CLH’s first time attending this exciting annual conference that brings together leading play researchers, park and recreation professionals, educators, health scientists, landscape architects, business […]