Education: community-colleges
Wake Technical Community College, East Wake Campus, Public Safety Simulation Center
The new Public Safety Simulation Center will become a leader in North Carolina and the United States for 4D public safety simulation training and will provide training for the College as well as other state and local agencies. This building is part of Wake Tech’s new East Wake campus, which also includes a new Central Energy Plant, roadway infrastructure, parking lots, utility infrastructure, and a General Education Building. CLH provided landscape architecture, civil engineering, and construction administration services for this project.
The East Wake Campus projected student population is intended to serve approximately 6,700 students, consisting of a broad range of students including high school, reverse transfer, military veterans, and baby boomers. The new Public Safety Simulation Center building is 677,000 square feet in addition to parking, plus a 7.5-acre concrete pad designed for fire, police, ambulance, and motorcycle driver training.
The project will look to attain Green Globes status. Low impact development principles of bio-swales, root-friendly tree island planting techniques, native grass plantings and low maintenance, bio-diverse habitats were included in the design. Stormwater conveyance measures were developed to provide aesthetic appeal near highly visible areas of campus which highlight Wake Tech’s commitment to resilient and sustainable landscapes.
Sandhills Community College Owens Auditorium Facility Assessment and Renovation
CLH provided landscape architecture and civil engineering services associated with the Owens Auditorium renovation at Sandhills Community College. The project began with a facility assessment that evaluated the exterior portions of the building and the development of concept plans for upgrades to the existing courtyard. The concept plans were developed using the SketchUp program to clearly portray the design intent for this courtyard. Once the assessment was complete, CLH developed construction drawings and cost estimates for the courtyard that leads directly to the entrance of the newly renovated auditorium. This courtyard includes seating options, plantings, and solar lighting. It also includes a stage for the community college to have small outdoor performances. This courtyard provides a great space to congregate before and after theater performances and even during intermission. The construction drawings also addressed accessibility issues around the perimeter of the auditorium by providing accessible ramps and a new loading dock for prop distribution.
Wake Technical Community College Administration Building, New Construction
The Wake Technical Community College Administration Building project consisted of the construction of a new three-story building, new parking lots, and the revision of existing parking lots. The project also included a new stormwater system, new sanitary sewer system, new domestic/fire protection water systems, new parking lot lighting, and new plantings and sod. CLH provided landscape architecture design and construction administration services. These services included the construction of new sidewalks, raised crosswalks, brick pavers and new landscaping, including a stone faux-river feature at the front of the building.
Johnston Community College Library, New Construction – LEED Silver Certified
CLH provided civil engineering, landscape architecture design, and construction services for a new library on the Johnston Community College campus. The civil/site work for the project consisted of clearing, grading, removal of unsuitable soils, dewatering of existing wetlands, construction of new stormwater, sanitary sewer, water and other associated utility infrastructure improvements. Services included flood studies, wetlands permitting, stream crossing permitting, irrigation design, roadway design, and a utility master plan. This project was awarded LEED Silver Certification through the US Green Building Council.
Fayetteville Technical Community College Master Plan for New LEED Western Satellite Campus
CLH provided master planning services for this 60-acre site for a satellite campus for Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC). The new campus will include eight classroom/administrative buildings including joint use facilities and a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Command Center for Fort Bragg. These buildings will house programs and curriculum including: Health Technologies, Vocational Programs, and Continuing Education. Master planning services included: programming, site analysis/infrastructure study, feasibility study, concept plan, and visioning exercises with the FTCC Board and staff.