April 28, 2016
CLH attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Wake County Bryan Road Elementary School project. CLH is part of the design team led by Clark Nexsen for this new elementary school in Garner, North Carolina. Members of the Wake County Public School System, Wake County Commissioners, Clark Nexsen, and the Town of Garner were in attendance.
April 27, 2016
CLH staff members Renee Pfeifer and Paige Goodwin recently attended the Association for Learning Environments conference in Concord, North Carolina. This year’s theme was “Dollars, Decisions and Design – Driving Education Forward!” and brought together more than 125 attendees from across the state. CLH was a silver sponsor and exhibitor of this great event. We learned […]
April 19, 2016
On Saturday April 16th, CLH attended the grand opening of the Wake County Northeast Regional Library. CLH provided civil engineering and landscape architecture design services for this new regional library in North Raleigh. Services included concept plan, site layout, clearing and grading, utilities, stormwater best management practices (bio-retention areas), planting design and construction observation. It was a beautiful day for […]